Labels:book | sky | skyscraper | vegetarianism | windowpane OCR: Executive Organization Standard Organization INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION FACTUAI CONCLUSIONS BACKCROUND ON THE SHINER FACILITY REC 0MM ENDATI IONS Energy Consumption Alternate Fuel Sources APPENDICES III THE ENISTING HEATING SYSTEM BACKGROUND ON THI SHINER FACILITY Ener con sumption and Cost Consumption Fuel Consumption an Cos Alternat Fuel Sources Replacement Cost THE ENISTING HEATING SYSTEM TY THE PROPOS EI NOOD- FIRED SYSTEM Ener rav con sumption inc Costs ne iar Fuel Consumption ano Cost YS e Description Replacemen Cost Boiler T Heat ing Ventilating and Air THE PROPOS ED WOOD- FIRED SYSTEM Condit ioning Basis ske tche S T Description Cos Boil SvStem Investment Costs Hea Ventilating and Air Replacement Cost cond ioning Operation and Maint enance Costs ch Fuel con uoltduns and Cost Cos Sen ...